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Endoscopic Oncology: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Cancer Management looks at the interface amongst endoscopy and oncology, and its use in the counteractive action, determination, and administration of tumor. Sorted out anatomically, sections covering important growths and premalignant states of the throat, stomach, colorectum, and pancreaticobiliary are investigated top to bottom. This volume gives the peruser parts compressing cutting edge endoscopic medicinal and surgical tumor treatment, including endoscopic mucosal resection, photodynamic treatment, and palliative stent situation. Broad scope is given to colonoscopy, endoscopic ultrasound, esophagogastroduodendoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, and the greater part of the major endoscopic methodology.

Endoscopic Oncology: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Cancer Management is composed in view of the honing endoscopist. Given the multidisciplinary approach of present day growth mind, this book is an unquestionable requirement have though wellbeing couldn't care less experts who deal with disease patients, including therapeutic oncologists, radiation oncologists, and specialists.
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